The most top answer of [How can I tell what RAM will fit my computer?][1] reads: > Crucial is a good place to buy RAM and they have a System Scanner (Windows only) to analyse the memory that is present and recommend upgrades. until I've edited this out to: > You can use a System Scanner from Crucial to analyse the memory that is present and recommend upgrades. And all other questions related to buying RAM are marked as duplicated of Crucial one. ---------- Question about, really? [ gives me 2 answers for memory?][2] Answers: > If you use the scanner tool at Crucial, you are guaranteed to get the correct memory - otherwise you get a full refund. Comments are link: > Have you got a link for the refund claim? > Sure do. "Find the Right Memory with the Crucial Memory Advisor™ tool We guarantee that the upgrades you find through the Crucial Memory Advisor tool will be compatible with your system, or your money back." ---------- [Another][3]: > > Use the crucial memory scanner everyone is recommending ---------- [Another][4]: > I really like using for memory upgrades ---------- And many more. "" gives [over 50 results][5]. So I'm wondering, if people at Crucial are get paid for advertising their website? Apart of the scanner, they don't have anything useful. ---------- Can the posts advertising and recommending the products from this website can be re-written and not valuable/useful answers removed? [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: