It seems a rather silly question to ask, but i'm attempting to ask a question on the location of wallpaper files on windows XP. As always, i've explicitly stated my OS, very specifically spelled out my problem, and have avoided most of the pitfalls i expect a bad question to have. 

Its a clear, non argumentative question which has an objective simple answer. It gets rejected for "It does not meet our quality standards."

I quote the question below (**and no, please do not answer it here** - I don't want to sneak in my question by stealth. I want to know where i am going wrong as to make it a better question) and wonder.. why is it failing the quality standards, and how can i make it better. 

> I run windows XP and I have a image
> whose original i can't find that   got
> reset as the wallpaper.I have backups
> of the system itself - so if i knew
> where to look, i could find a copy. 
> I have some idea of the original
> filename (searching now), and i recall
> it saves it as a bitmap, but an exact
> location would be helpful

I tried "where does windows store its wallpaper" and "Location windows stores its wallpaper" as title