Should downvotes result into bigger reputation loss than -2 ? I believe that compared to +10 for an upvote, -2 is negligible and it would be fair to increase it.

Also, since the community is reputation-based and the purpose is to provide high-quality answers and accumulate knowledge, is it worth to introduce a progressive scaling of downvote effect based on authors reputation? For example:

     - a user with        rep <= 100   gets -1  if his post is dowvoted
     - a user with 100  < rep <= 500   gets -2  if his post is dowvoted
     - a user with 500  < rep <= 1000  gets -5  if his post is dowvoted
     - a user with 1000 < rep          gets -10 if his post is dowvoted


Actual numbers are provided just for illustration purpose, but you get the idea. This would make the cost of downvote higher for experienced users.

Does anyone else find this reasonable?