> **Consensus:** I agree with: "Workflow involving computers would be less SU and more Productivity" > If that won't work I'll try CSTheory.SE and Skeptics.SE, if that won't work I'll complain at Meta.SO... > *Didn't expect to see this question get closed here, even after [this blog post](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/03/respect-the-community-your-own-and-others/)... :(* --- My question https://superuser.com/questions/409940/what-was-scientifically-shown-to-support-productivity-when-structural-organizing is not off-topic, here is why: > *... [snipped, I no longer represent this POV] ...* If you do support the closing, please explain: - Why are thesis / research level data off-topic for Super User (or any Stack Exchange sites)? - How do I know if my answer fits right between "not constructive" and "too scientific"?</s>