I think we need to sort out the following scan-related tags:

- [tag:scanner] x 154

- [tag:scanning] x 87

- [tag:printer-scanner] x 8

- [tag:document-scanning] x 4

- [tag:scan] x 1

The rest are [tag:barcode-scanner], [tag:scan-disk] and [tag:overscan] which are alright and shouldn't be changed.


Now, from [tag:scanning] tag wiki, I understand this is the one that refes to scanning a document/photo/etc using a scanner/printer scanner/etc:

> Converting a physical document into digital form

So if we leave it that way, we need to merge [tag:document-scanning] into [tag:scanning].


The [tag:scanner] tag includes questions about [tag:scanning], [tag:printer-scanner] and [not-printer-scanner] - so I think that if we leave only [tag:scanning] and [tag:scanner] then we should retag some of them questions in [tag:scanner] and and merge [tag:printer-scanner] into [tag:scanner], synonymize and add a tag wiki.