### Get off your high horse and get over it already. I think your demands that community guidelines be changed to suit _your_ needs really reeks of entitlement. You have about 484,000+ reputation, yet this all reads like the tantrums of a new user. Meaning, I would not respect _any_ opinion you currently have because your proverbial “Spit don’t stink…” You are essentially kvetching that you are beyond reproach and are utterly flawless in your interactions with this community. And we should be so lucky to have you as a community member. ### To _me_ that alone warrants a suspension more than anything: A community is more than just one voluminous poster. In my interactions with you, you have general taken _any_ criticism as a personal affront and you show utterly _no_ signs of basic human humility. And on the rare occasion your answer is utterly wrong — like one time you claimed in an answer “Apache will use the full power of Nginx” (Which anyone who uses Apache and Nginx knows is completely wrong.) — you typically delete that answer and move on. The quantity of contributions you have made does not justify this arrogance on your part. Especially since you seem to favor “quantity” over “quality” when you post answers.