**Yes,** and it will be. There were 60 questions tagged [tag:signature] when I started. When my edits go through, there should be 1. [tag:digital-signature] and [tag:email-signature] together fit 47 of them (some already had the relevant more-specific tag); [tag:code-signing] fit 6, [tag:hashing] fit 1, [tag:user-agent] fit 1, and I'm not sure what to do with the following 2. These ones are about using handwritten signatures in digital documents: - [How can I add a signature field in a PDF? (not a digital signature)](https://superuser.com/q/485445) - [How can I sign a PDF document quickly and cheaply?](https://superuser.com/q/137294) This one is about using a static image (an “image signature”) as a form of signature analoguous to a handwritten signature: - [About the security of adding a signature to a PDF file](https://superuser.com/q/515452) <sub><sup>The network has rejected my retagging-only edit to [the remaining question](https://superuser.com/q/289181) for some odd reason.</sup></sub>