We don't like company-only tags, and there's been various crusades in the past to purge them: 

- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/2125/can-we-get-rid-of-the-company-tags
- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/3948/company-tag-necromancy-the-zombie-apocalypse
- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5425/what-should-the-microsoft-tag-be-used-for
- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5432/lotus-tag-cleanup?lq=1
- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5980/retagging-microsoft-questions
- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5871/retagging-google-questions
- https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5853/retagging-firefox-mozilla-questions

Unlike a specific product, a company does not represent an area of expertise. Someone could be an expert in one product, but have no idea about another. [tag:microsoft] is a prime example of this, with Office, OS, Apps, Phone and other software & hardware to cover, it's likely an expert in one does not necessarily make them an expert in other areas.

Is this something that we consider a problem? If so, break out the pitchforks! 

- In some cases, the questions should be retagged to more specific product tags
- In others, the tag should simply be removed outright.

There are more than the few I've listed below, so feel free to add them as you find them.

###Tags Found:


###Tags Burned/Removed:

Note: Please occasionally re-check this list to see if any tags were recreated, and if so, move the tag to the "Found" list above.


###Tags Synonymised/Merged:

These tags were cleaned up then renamed or merged to the primary topic area:

- [tag:apache] → [tag:apache-http-server] (Meta: [Is there a method to rename a tag without editing the questions?][1]
- [tag:msi] → [tag:windows-installer] (Meta: [The msi tag is ambiguous][2])
- [tag:redhat] → [tag:redhat-enterprise-linux] (Meta: [Synonomize Red Hat tags][3])

###Tags Blacklisted:

Due to persistent recreation, the following tags have been protected against recreation:

- [tag:google] (Meta: [Blacklist Google?][4])

  [1]: https://meta.superuser.com/q/11811/107240
  [2]: https://meta.superuser.com/q/8166/107240
  [3]: https://meta.superuser.com/q/11822/107240
  [4]: https://meta.superuser.com/q/12759/107240