<p>As Jeff mentioned <a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/11563/tab-for-questions-that-are-labeled-with-favorite-tags/101575#101575">in his post:</a></p>

  <p>There is a default tag filter on <a href="http://stackexchange.com/">http://stackexchange.com/</a> but you
  must be logged in:</p>
  <li><p>Click on Filtered Questions</p></li>
  <li><p>Click on "Favourite tags </p></li>
  <p>Then look for the default "Favorite Tags" filter.</p>
  <p><img src="https://i.sstatic.net/7ZRjd.png" alt="enter image description here"></p>
  <p>You can browse it in your browser, or have it emailed to you, or get
  the RSS feed at the bottom of the page (also present in the headers,
  too, if your browser auto-detects).</p>
  <p><img src="https://i.sstatic.net/SmbAL.png" alt="favorite tags RSS feed"></p>