To appeal a rejected edit, you could come to Meta, or come to Super User chat and ask in [Root Access][1] or [Ask a Super User Moderator][2] for advice.


I'd say [your edit][3] was fine. It was factual, added something that couldn't stand as an own answer, and – most of all – didn't change the meaning of the post that was edited. The rejection reason says (emphasis mine):

> This edit changes too much in the original post; the **original meaning or intent of the post would be lost.**

This is not the case here. It adds valid details and resources, which is encouraged. An edit would have been "too radical" if it changed a "yes" to a "no", or completely changed the meaning. 

Moreover you're the OP of that question, so the threshold is even a little lower here. Maybe the reviewers didn't see that context – partly to blame on the reviewing tools here.
