The current highest-voted answer in is outdated and no longer works. The same is true of the 2nd and 3rd answers. For the current version of the software, the [4th answer][1] (at the time of writing) is the most applicable. How should this situation be handled? Should I edit the info from the 4th answer into the 1st answer (which is correct and useful for older versions), edit in a note in the answer to point users to the (currently) correct answer, or leave the situation as-is, with only a comment pointing users of the current version to the applicable answer. Editing the currently highest-rated answer is what I thought to do at first, but the latter two methods allow the user who wrote the currently 4th answer to gain their deserved rep as their answer gradually rises to the top, but having just a comment to point readers in the right direction may be overlooked (I nearly missed it myself). [1]: