I recently asked a question and received [this answer][1]:

> No, hard drives are in sealed enclosures and these images are marketing shots to give you an idea of the engineering inside.

That's it. One sentence of ***opinion*** with no supporting facts whatsoever.  

There are, currently, 4 other answers and they all provide ***evidence***, and/or details to back up their claims<sup>1</sup>. Yet this answer has 4 times as many votes as any other answer!!!

 - Does evidence count for so little on SuperUser? How can this be the best answer when, by rights, it should be converted to a comment?  
 - Is there vote fraud afoot?  
 - Should I bow to public opinion and switch the accepted answer?


<sup>1</sup> A 6th answer was deleted.

  [1]: https://superuser.com/a/829306/41023