> Welcome to the internet!

Generally people on here are trying to help.  It is a community.  So someone has a bigger number than you, been on here longer, know less, knows more - does it really matter?  Your decades of experience should have taught you to be humble and accept that not all people operate at the same level in your specific domain. 

If you think someone has less knowledge than you then you may ignore them:

  - You probably won't be able to change them
  - Your opinion of them probably won't change
  - The sooner your ignore them the less time you will have to deal with them
  - They will have to live with themselves the rest of their life, you only experience them for minutes

However, some of my best discoveries have been through people with less experience than me helping me to think of old methods and problems in new ways.  

So don't let them hold you back on your journey:


from [Reality Sets In](http://blog.raymond.burkholder.net/index.php?/archives/45-Reality-Sets-In.html)

When you come up with a workable method of reputation that can be applied historically we will be all very interested to hear.