While we're at it, here's a list of other things to add to the "How to Ask" page and reminder text:

 - Don't type your question with alternating caps, like  

        mY cOmPuTeR iS rUiNiNg My LiFe! HaLp!

 - Don't use `0`s for `o`s, `1`s for `i`s, `3`s for `e`s, and `7`s for `t`s, like

        1 h4ve l1nux 7r0ubl3 guyz, 4 r34l

 - Avoid using more than one exclamation point or question mark at the end of sentences, like

        I spilled coffee on my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 What do I do???!?!?????????

 - Don't sign your posts with your social security number and mother's maiden name, like

        Just press F5 to refresh the page. That should solve your problem.  
        Bob Smith
        SSN: 123-45-6789
        MMN: Jones

 - Don't pepper your posts with racial slurs.

 - Don't include pornographic images in any screen captures you include in your posts.

**Et cetera, et cetera....**

My point is that some expectations are common sense and (nearly) universal, and it's a fool's errand to start including these sorts of "pointers" on the help page.

Sure, maybe an automatic check for all caps could be useful, but my feeling is that this is a relatively rare problem that is already effectively addressed by the site's community review processes. It's probably not worth the effort to implement. Sorry.