I suggested [this edit][1] that was rejected with the reason it didn't improve the quality of the post.

The suggested edit improved 3 problems with the post following consensus about editing guidelines:

1. [Removed tagged keyword from title.][3]
2. [Corrected casing][2] of tech names. 
3. [Removed salutations][4].

Each of the above is considered enough reason to edit a post, but on Super User correcting multiple issues with a post still leads to suggested edits being rejected.

Can someone explain why edit reviewing criteria on Super User doesn't follow the established guidelines of the network?

[1]: https://superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/1105295
[2]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/303220
[3]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/19190/should-questions-include-tags-in-their-titles
[4]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2950/should-hi-thanks-taglines-and-salutations-be-removed-from-posts