A `-2` is **usually** linked to receiving a downvote on your question or post.

I searched your questions and answers for downvotes and only found one:

> [![downvote][1]][2]


This is not the reason why you lost `2` reputation points. As [**@sathya**][3] mentioned above, the `-2` is linked to one of your deleted answers:

> 3 of your questions have been deleted. 1 of your answer has been deleted. Click on **"show removed posts"** at the bottom of the reputation tab to show this deleted post.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/ZQCx1.png
  [2]: https://superuser.com/questions/451221/is-it-possible-to-remove-the-fade-effect-between-login
  [3]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5355/i-lost-2-reputation-but-theres-no-reason-given-why#comment13976_5355