There's a few issues with this answer. I *personally* considered it marginal but and most other answers covered streaming to some extent.

The first part of the question should have been a comment 

> It is not clear what you intend to use as primary device. The Laptop?
> or would an adapter that connects the devices also be acepted?

 While you made a specific hardware recommendation, hardware recommendations are typicall something we don't want - we even have a close reason. The first part of the 

> Questions seeking for hardware shopping recommendations are off-topic
> because they are often relevant only to the question author at the
> time the question was asked and tend to become obsolete quickly.
> Instead of asking what to buy, try asking how to find out what suits
> your needs.

Which is kind of why recommending a specific device isn't quite recommended. Its better to talk about a 'class' of devices, and give this as an example along with *how it solves the issue* (And before you ask, the way the question's worded kind of sidesteps the "shopping recommendation" issue)

While I wasn't inclined to delete it, but I'm not inclined to undelete it either