
I just asked on SuperUser about ["a website to compare software/hardware/electronics"][1]. I was told that questions about webapps are not appropriate for SU... I understand how questions on Facebook can be banned, but I feel that this question is somehow in a gray zone: I am only looking for a recommendation for software for a specific task. If the question was about desktop software, I guess it would be perfectly valid one.

Also, I see that none of the websites mentioned in [the StackExchange sites list][2] cover this (small) piece of "no man's land". Could you suggest a place to ask this question? Could you also point me to an explanation why all webapps are treated so distinctively?

  [1]: http://superuser.com/questions/128030/a-website-to-compare-software-hardware-electronics
  [2]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4/list-of-stackexchange-sites