This question:, was closed as Not Constructive. Before it was closed, I thought it might've made a good fit for, so I [asked in The Heap][1] and a moderator confirmed. I flagged the question for <strike>migration</strike> (I think I might have hit mod attention?), which was declined:

> Asked in The Heap if they wanted this question. Mod said yes. Would
> probably do better there. – May 17 at 14:42   **declined - flags should
> only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their
> intervention**

How could I have gone about getting a question like this migrated?

I realize odds are that if a question is not constructive on one site, it's probably not on another, but this isn't _strictly_ true. Aside from Programmers being the obvious exception, there are questions that are on topic for Server Fault and not constructive, but work for Sec.SE. [How does SSL work?]( for example. And while it might not be the best practice, smaller SE sites tend to be a little less aggressive about `Not Constructive` than SU, SF, SO.
