I closed the question and did provide feedback at the time. Firstly, questions aren't closed on a whim. This question came up in the vote to close list and after reviewing the FAQ met the following criteria: - Requires extended discussion - No single correct answer - Possibly subjective and argumentative - Too far off topic Based on this criteria the question was closed. I opted for not a real question since I believed Subjective and Argumentative is too strong a reason. Reality is no matter what reason is chosen, almost every single closed question will get disputed and someone will not be happy with the reason, which is one of the risks taken by any moderator closing a question. These questions all follow a simple cycle, once the critical mass of 3K users are obtained: - 5 Votes to Close (Question Closed) - Dispute / Argument / Edit War - 5 Votes to Re-open (Question Open) - Refer to Step 1 However on SU at the moment this is not possible due to the lack of 3K users, and the lack of understanding of how the Trilogy works with regards to questions. With regards to the 50 or so existing questions you will find, most of them where posted during beta, and since the discussion [here](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/15456/can-we-please-have-more-strictness-on-su) raised the point that there needs to be more strictness on SU. Some of these questions have not been closed yet, simply because the moderators are really the only one's that can and at the time there wasn't any, or 3k+ and above users can, but because of the question being old, few notice them to vote on them. A big part of the problems on SU is related to level of the users attracted to the site. The concepts introduced by the SO engine is unique and a lot of users remain unaware of their abilities, or how to correctly approach the site. Unfortunately this is not something I foresee changing soon, and this also makes SU one of the hardest sites to maintain, and potentially the one place most of the disputes will occur, as the subject matter is not clear cut and straight down the line.