> **slhck on [tag:error]:** I can't imagine anybody using this tag as a favorite.

> **slhck on [tag:failure]:** In fact, there's no follower for that tag either.

The amount of followers is in no way a motive to determine whether a tag is good, *a tag is not a category.*

You rather have to look whether it adds value when reading the question one-box and searching...


Other than that, burn it with fire!

People should use more specific tags that describe *what* exactly is happening.

Is it [tag:hang]ing, is it [tag:crash]ing, does it [tag:time-out], does it give a [tag:error-message], ...



- **They do add value when searching...**

  For example, searching for [tag:power-supply] + [tag:failure] is different than searching for [tag:power-supply].

  The former makes it easy to learn why power supplies fail and how they can be fixed, the latter just yields a lot of questions about power supplies while they are not all about failures.

- **They do add value when you see the question in a list...**

  It allows you to identify that the question is talking about a failure, the title doesn't always give that away.

- **Burning the tag takes this value away.**

- **Splitting the tag yields too many new tags.**

  Also, you get long tag strings like [tag:power-supply] [tag:power-supply-failure].</s>