I flagged [this post][1] as *Very Low Quality*.  The flag was declined.

Was this flag declined correctly?

I changed the flag based on the helpful feedback by moderator Mokubai.  In the interest of not making the same mistake again, I took a look at the flagging options to try to determine *why* I applied the incorrect flag.  

Reading the question (it was part of my review queue), I realized something was wrong with it.  My options were:

 - spam - no, definitely not spam
 - rude or abusive - no, definitely not
 - should be closed - well, that seemed a bit harsh; there is no real question, but as Mokubai pointed out, there is an implied question
 - a duplicate - no, none of which I was aware
 - very low quality - yes, seems to be very low quality
 - in need of moderator attention - no, nothing that severe

Consequently, given the UI presented by the StackExchange system, I made what seemed like the best choice (very low quality).

I agree with Mokubai's assessment and analysis; perhaps the StackExchange UI can be improved to help reviewers make more appropriate choices.  I am willing to help, if asked.

[1]: https://superuser.com/questions/991414/no-bootable-device-please-restart-systemqithout-boot-disk-backup