Hoping to make this into a recurring affair. Following tags are meta tags ([what is this?][1]), need to be remove/made synonyms - [tag:server] - [tag:usage] - [tag:references] - [tag:fields] - [tag:write] - [tag:read] - [tag:quit] - [tag:references] Following tags need their tag wikis updated - [tag:iscsi] ##Important Do not flag/vote to close for migration; many of them are too old, too highly upvoted, just plain crap, or out of scope according to their FAQ. **Remember, we don't migrate crap.** In this case, as mentioned above, cast your vote for closure and/or deletion and also flag for moderator attention and we'll review it. ###Pro-tip #1 If you are removing tags from a massive amount of questions, it's better to go to the last question on the last page of all questions with that tag and work your way backwards. This prevents you from having to deal with the cache not reflecting your edits on the question list combined with browser-cache issues. If you haven't visited most of these questions, you'll know what you changed because the link for the question will have a different color. ###Pro-tip #2 Please edit in small batches & be mindful of front-page flooding - we don't want the entire front page to be filled with edits of old questions. Please edit the question and remove each tag as and when done. [1]: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/08/the-death-of-meta-tags/