Where do questions about scripts/programs written in [Automator][1] belong? They could belong

- on [StackOverflow][2], as they're a sort of programming.
- on [SuperUser][3], as they are often used to automate lengthy/annoying tasks by power users.
- even on the [Ask Different][4] Apple site, as Automator is an OS X native program.

Or could they even go on any of the three? Or others? Could it be `flagged as of topic` or `migrated` if on one of the 'wrong' sites, or is it open enough that it would be fine on any?


According to [this][5] post, it seems that OS X questions are okay on either SP or Ask Differently, so I think that the last two options aren't really any different.

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automator_%28software%29
[2]: http://stackoverflow.com/
[3]: https://superuser.com/
[4]: http://apple.stackexchange.com/
[5]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/2967/is-it-okay-to-inform-users-to-stop-promoting-apple-se-when-a-question-is-fine-to