I'm glad you're asking, thanks for getting involved! Here are a few things you can do to get more involved:

- Keep asking and answering – without questions and answers, we wouldn't be here! Read [How to Ask](https://superuser.com/questions/how-to-ask) and [How to Answer](https://superuser.com/questions/how-to-answer) for a few tips to get started.

- Use the [review tasks][1] as soon as you have enough reputation to – there's usually at least a few items in the queue.

- Help with updating some [tag wikis][2]. Each tag has its own tag wiki, [explaining how the tag is used][3] and some information about the subject relevant to the tag. You can suggest edits on tag wikis.

- [Editing][4] is another way you can help, but make sure you do it carefully. Making substantial, helpful edits is a great way to contribute to the community, but making tons of trivial edits is not.

- See anything odd? You can [flag posts][5] for moderator attention, for example questions that are off topic for the site, or answers that don't attempt to answer the question. This helps keeping the site clean. 

- Write some blog posts for the [Super User Blog][6].

- If you're feeling bored, and have already done everything above (or want a break but don't want to leave), [come visit us in chat][7] and get to know some of the other community members.

  [1]: https://superuser.com/review/
  [2]: https://superuser.com/tags
  [3]: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/03/redesigned-tags-page/
  [4]: http://
  [5]: https://superuser.com/privileges/flag-posts
  [6]: http://blog.superuser.com/
  [7]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/118/root-access