I have recently tried to engage a high rep superuser user in an attempt to clarify some shortcomings in [his/her answer][1]. After there was no attempt to make the answer complete by adding the information from comments into the answer, I suggested an edit to do so myself.

This [was rejected][2], for rather confusing reasons by two 2k users. Since I didn't believe that my suggestion either "defaces the post" or was an "attempt to reply to or comment" I suggested it again.

This time it [was rejected][3] by a moderator, so I took the hint. Even so I am confused by the "This edit introduces spam, defaces the post in some way, or is otherwise inappropriate." rejection, and I am at a loss to understand why.

Without the information from the comment, the answer falls substantially short of the sort of self contained answer I have come to expect on other stack exchange sites. Indeed the answer relies almost entirely on the reader not only reading the linked-to web page but reading right to the end to find the brief mention about how to prevent the resulting VM bluescreening. This lack of substantial information was why I gave up some of my own rep to put a bounty on this question in the first place.

I am confused that people would think that I was trying to deface the answer when I was obviously trying to improve it, allowing the comments to be tidied up (deleted) so as to not distract from the answer. I had already edited my [own answer][4] to include this information too, but having such information scattered around the page is never a good option.

Does SuperUser have a less tolerant attitude to suggested edits than I have come across on [other stack exchange sites][5]? Was I wrong to suggest this edit? Are SuperUser users less [comfortable with the idea of ... contributions being collaboratively edited][6]?

I would really like to understand why an edit which I believe substantially improves an answer with respect to the actual question that was asked would be rejected.

  [1]: https://superuser.com/a/527246/16858
  [2]: https://superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/68286
  [3]: https://superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/68301
  [4]: https://superuser.com/a/527305/16858
  [5]: http://stackexchange.com/users/18514/mark-booth?tab=accounts
  [6]: https://superuser.com/faq#editing