We currently have: - [173 posts containing **`Window 7`**][1] - [66 posts containing **`Window XP`**][2] - [15 posts containing **`Window Vista`**][3] If you're a frequent editor, you will probably have noticed this. Is Windows known under a different name in other places/languages? It's not that this is a particularly urgent matter, but wouldn't it be possible to **automatically fix these** without the need to edit every single one? ---------- Actually, one could also fix - [2373 posts with **`Win7`**][4] - [1216 posts with **`Win 7`**][5] - [858 posts with **`WinXP`**][6] - [582 posts with **`Win XP`**][7] Am I being nit-picky or is this bugging others too? I just don't think it's very professional, and I always like our content to look more professional than on [other sites][8]. And this also includes the correct spelling of the worldwide number one operating system we all more or less use. [1]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22window%207%22 [2]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22window%20XP%22&submit=search [3]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22window%20Vista%22&submit=search [4]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22win7%22 [5]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22win%207%22&submit=search [6]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22winxp%22&submit=search [7]: http://superuser.com/search?q=%22win%20xp%22&submit=search [8]: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnmxVa8QmXeyHN5ZIuFeQGkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20110121060224AAw04BX