Few moments ago I found a question migrated from Super User to Web Applications three months ago because it was bumped due to edits done by a couple of users that made some improvements. Unfortunatelly this question is off-topic in Web Applications. I'm not complaining, so I will not enter into the details of this specific case in this post, just sharing what bring to take a look to the tag excerpt of [tag:wordpress]:

> Popular blogging engine – mostly considered off-topic. Questions about wordpress.com belong on WebApps.SE. Questions about installing and maintaining WordPress belong on WordPress.SE

The tag wiki has no body.

There are several sites having a `[wordpress]` tagged questions were Worpress questions might be on-topic

- [Ask Ubuntu](https://ubuntu.com)
- [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com)
- [Super User](https://superuser.com)
- [Unix & Linux](https://unix.stackexchang.com) 
- [Web Applications](https://webapps.stackexchange.com)
- [Webmasters](https://webmasters.stackexchange.com)
- [Wordpress Developement](https://worpress.stackechange.com) 
- ...

see [\[wordpress\] is:question][1] (Stack Exchange global search returns more than 200k results, from the above sites an others)

I know that most users don't pay attention to tag wikis. Thinking specifically about people who vote to migrate and moderators, I'm wondering if it might be helpful to point them to one of the Meta Super User discussions about migration. 

So far I have found these:

- https://meta.superuser.com/q/9110/152004
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/14896/152004

The idea of pointing to a meta discussion instead of puting the information directly in the tag wiki is make it easier to mantain and to extend the solution to other tags that might have a similar situation according they being identified.

So the specific question is, is it OK to add the url to https://meta.superuser.com/q/9110/152004 to the wordpress tag excerpt? Do you have a better suggestion?


- https://meta.superuser.com/q/920/152004
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/1577/152004
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/13937/152004
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/14924/152004

  [1]: https://stackexchange.com/search?q=%5Bwordpress%5D%20is%3Aquestion