I know one thing about this, when searching for Information on the web about a specific issue, the first search is the whole real name of the OS (ex: Windows 7). But if you want to find 15 times as much information about the same problem, putting common abbreviated terms for the OS in the same search (ex: win7).

Any site discussing computers in general the users apply so many abbreviated terms I dont know what they are talking about half the time (I hear a whooshing sound as it goes over my head). Myself I sometimes toss in one non-abbreviated , then continue to abbreviate after it is known. but only for users who might not know.  

 One time I searched for the layers of abbreviated computer terms, but for medical, and noticed that a large percentage of computer abbreviations are some sort of biological function, disease, or medical operation :-)  If they ever collided the 2 PHDs together neither would know what the other was talking about.  If they ever perform a XP on my brain , I hope I get a second Wind :-)

The abbreviations are not analised against the total word count, we can write 3 pages of junk and abbreviate needlessly just because it is **boring to write that so many times**, not because it makes anything shorter, or is difficult to type it again.  Just like a doctors Prescriptions :-) Could be the most important thing, but who can actually read them?

It is a "brand" , when talking on the web a person might say cola, soda, or Coke, Is it the phone company or ATT, do you call it a Klenex because it is faster than facial tissue, or because you do, or do Not want to sell the "brand".  In some ways I dont respect the Brand, I would prefer to call it That stupid computer OS most of us are using :-) They dont deserve the advertising :-)  If I use the word Orange, nobody expects me to say "Bahia Navel Orange Genetic variation 11847"  It is "Just another operating system" which just leaves which one.

I suppose you were looking for an actual opinion? I dont have one, it is just how things have occured.  On one side I do not expect anyone to type out Windows 7 on any computer related forum. On the other side it makes searching for win7 specific things much harder.

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