I don't want to pick on [Nestor here](http://superuser.com/questions/315602/how-can-calibre-get-the-newspapers-for-free), as I think his question is good, but I'm questioning whether it is on-topic.  

Let me clarify that I'm not complaining about flag weight, I promise.  However, I flagged this as off-topic, partly because I thought the software was for an e-Reader (forgive my ignorance of this fact), but mainly because it deals with decisions/contracts that were, in all likelihood, made at the corporate level.  Someone *may* have been able to answer for the company, but again, the likelihood of lightning striking twice and this issue returning in another asker's Google search is very slim.

Again, I know there was some initial confusion, and someone probably came along and said "of course this is PC/MAC software, this flag is crap", but I think the other component of it was overlooked, and since my comment wasn't addressing the corporate end of it, it was passed over.  I am also trying to make sure I didn't miss a hidden reason why it should be on topic.