Oh no! You got question-banned... by the [system][1].

Your profile doesn't look like one moderators would love to suspend for and I don't quite see the fact a moderator can lift your ban in the near-time. For some reason, your ***questions*** were not so popular to the community and were deemed not good contributors nor helping the community by the system. So bam! You got yourself stuck in a question ban. What should you do? ***READ AND FOLLOW EVERYTHING THE LINK ON THE FIRST SENTENCE TELLS YOU TO DO TO LIFT THIS BAN.***

Moderators can not lift your ban. They can suspend your account and lift a suspension but not an asking-ban. If you have a big bunch of questions that were deleted quite early and were downvoted (a lot probably), that might contribute to your own ban. So get on Super User and start contributing more and stop ranting on Meta.SE when it is unnecessary.
