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27 votes

Re-assign accepted answer years later?

Yup. Best answers change sometimes. Considering its not version specific, I'd add a note on the question and switch.
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
15 votes

Should the accepted answers be unpinned on superuser?

I'm actually kind of leaning towards keeping the status quo. We don't have the volume of SO, and many of our questions are narrowly scoped enough that if an answer's outdated, so's the question (and ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
12 votes

Re-assign accepted answer years later?

I would actually make an argument somewhat different from that of Journeyman Geek. The reason is simple: The question specifies a version of Acrobat Reader. It even did so back in April 2015 when it ...
user's user avatar
  • 30.1k
12 votes

Is this refusal to accept an answer aligned with community standards?

To quote the help center (bolding added for emphasis): Accepting an answer is not meant to be a definitive and final statement indicating that the question has now been answered perfectly. It simply ...
Mureinik's user avatar
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6 votes

What can one do when a poster accepts a ridiculous answer?

Sorry, the only person who can affect the accepted state of the answer is the question author. If you believe an answer to be incorrect, you should downvote; that signals to other users (including the ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.4k
5 votes

Accepted answer is at the bottom, is that a bug?

No - if a question is self answered, the (self) selected answer is not automatically on top. As such its by upvotes and in random order within answers of the same number of votes. This is intended ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
5 votes

What can one do when a poster accepts a ridiculous answer?

Which answer the questioner believes helps them understand the solution to their problem is completely up to them. What you can do it post a better, more understandable and more complete answer and ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 94.5k
5 votes

Reopen request for "Installing fltk on VirtualBox"

Well, the question does show a certain amount of lack of research, and the question as is is really poor quality. I wouldn't count it as a good question. I'm not a fan of spoon feeding either, and ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
5 votes

Do I need to prove the accepted answer is correct? AKA is my question unclear?

I'll focus first on your question here and then on the question on the main site that prompted it. Meta Question Your question here asks if you need to prove an accepted answer works, and then ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.7k
4 votes

Why is this accepted answer not at the top?

Its a self accepted answer. They don't automatically go on top. It only happens when its someone elses answer. Its documented in main meta here
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
3 votes

Who accepts the question in case the the creator deleted the account?

It seems that the creator has deleted their account. @djdomi No, the user does have a Stack Exchange account that they've used to log in to both Server Fault and Stack Overflow. However, they've ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 24.5k
3 votes

Which answer to accept: best for me, or best in general?

What worked for you. Especially where it's a detailed, unique answer. Unless you feel another answer is awesome and you tested it. It's not cool to copy/slightly modify an existing answer or worse "...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 131k
3 votes

Is it possible to accept answers in closed questions?

Yes Yes, you can still accept it, and answers can still be voted on by everyone. Other users can also vote on your question. Only locking prevents these actions. Source: Can an answer of a closed ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
3 votes

I am not seeing where to mark a response as the answer - it's not visible on my page

How do I accept an answer, and what are the rules? To accept an answer, click the "check mark" button underneath the vote buttons: Additionally: Only one answer at a time can be the "...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
3 votes

Should the accepted answers be unpinned on superuser?

I think it should be left the way it is. Barring that, I feel this should be a user selectable preference in their profile... but I generally feel the accepted answer should still have its place at ...
Booga Roo's user avatar
  • 903
2 votes

Should the accepted answers be unpinned on superuser?

As someone that sometimes ask and answer questions on this site, I haven't found pinning useful. When searching for solutions I usually have to read all answers because the pinned one is focused on a ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 4,749
2 votes

Is it possible to accept answers in closed questions?

Yes, this is possible (see @DavidPostill's answer) and moreover, it happens quite often. Here are over 2,500 cases where a Super User question was closed and an answer was accepted next day or even ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 4,127
2 votes

Why is this accepted answer not at the top?

You've sorted the answers by the most active (See the active tab above the answers). If you sort by votes, then the highest voted one is top.
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
2 votes

Is a valid answer to a problem a valid answer to a different question?

It is your decision whether or not to accept the answer: Decide if the answer is helpful, and then... Vote on it (if you have earned the appropriate voting privilege). Vote up answers that ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
1 vote

Should the accepted answers be unpinned on superuser?

NO The proposer of question who had experienced the issue would have tested the solution and would have been the working amongst them(Most effectively from askers frame). Answers which have been ...
Ha'Penny's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible