Why was this non-opinion question closed as opinion-based?
I voted to reopen your question, then I began pondering your question while writing a comment, and then I retracted my vote.
A few factors to consider:
The closing category options are narrow and ...
Why was my answer deleted
Besides specificity and applicability, which as Ramhound notes isn't a reason on its own, the primary reason that I voted to delete your post AND did not rescind that vote as we conversed in comments, ...
Where can I ask this question about Computer Screen Technology?
I want to know where would the correct place of asking such a question be.
So far, judging by the comments, we've determined that the question is:
Off topic on Super User - (Closed & Deleted)
The monster that can't be killed
The tag was blocklisted by a community manager and can no longer be used.
It was subsequently burninated, obliterated, and otherwise disintegrated.
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
discussion × 3134status-completed × 340
tag-cleanup-request × 229
retag-request × 209
tags × 201
support × 180
questions × 148
closed-questions × 139
specific-question × 136
answers × 116
tag-synonym-request × 92
feature-request × 82
editing × 81
superuser-blog × 78
reopen-request × 73
flagging × 71
moderation × 69
off-topic × 67
migration × 64
scope × 61
exact-duplicates × 59
close-reasons × 57
reputation × 56
allowed-topics × 55
comments × 49