Proposed resolution : Quoting cannot be called plagiarism
Proposed resolution : A quote which is fully accredited and formatted as a quote, is not plagiarism.
This definition is in line with all the world's dictionaries and all the world's legal sources.
Why were my flags on a meta answer post and comments containing expletives directed at another user declined?
While I wasn't the moderator who handled the flags in question - the moderation style here is often about defusing issues rather than trying to take punitive measures.
Frankly at some point, someone ...
Why were my flags on a meta answer post and comments containing expletives directed at another user declined?
I'm not a mod here, but am on other social media sites. This is only a guess.
Sometimes a response other than what the reporter expects is used because it accomplishes what is needed in the moment, or ...
Proposed resolution : Quoting cannot be called plagiarism
Proposed resolution : Quoting cannot be called plagiarism.
Any dictionary would 100% agree with that. I saw that you got suspended for quoting (since I saw your great answer got deleted right before ...
Pondering mod status tags
Frame Challenge: We don't need to separate mod and CM use of status tags - instead, we should be more discerning in how we apply certain status tags.
Status tags can be loosely grouped into two ...
Proposed resolution : Quoting cannot be called plagiarism
Get off your high horse and get over it already.
I think your demands that community guidelines be changed to suit your needs really reeks of entitlement. You have about 484,000+ reputation, yet this ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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