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18 votes

We have bad question closing habits

Closing questions is easy, reopening them is not.... Once a question is closed, it's often doomed to stay closed. Strongly agree. And this presents an additional approach for those of us who curate/...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 25.6k
16 votes

We have bad question closing habits

Many Stack Exchange websites including SU are plagued with ill-informed close-votes. I believe one solution to mitigate this problem is having a “Vote not to close” option to counter the “Vote to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
11 votes

Why does the community have such vague rules that any administrator can adjust almost any question to fit them?

Android tablets fall under the "not about... electronic devices, media players, cell phones or smart phones" clause in our help center. The operating system is essentially locked down and ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 94.8k
11 votes

Question about Microsoft Outlook behaviour closed on assumption that I should contact Microsoft

Based on what's been presented, I agree with you, and you've taken the right approach by escalating to Meta. There's nothing in the rules that I can see that says that issues that can only be resolved ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 25.6k
10 votes

Why am I getting a question ban?

You have asked a total of 10 questions on Super User, 8 of which have been closed and/or deleted. Your deleted questions, from newest to oldest: Can you see me? [closed] Does SE have a webmaster? [...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 94.8k
9 votes

We have bad question closing habits

Wikipedia has a AfD section that is used to decide whether to delete an article, it is functionally similar to close votes here. However, they have: AfD is not a Vote, reasons to Keep and Delete must ...
Lily White's user avatar
8 votes

How on earth can this be "primarily opinion based"?

My OP clarifies the exact nature of efficiencies, which is quite narrow, and not over broad - efficiencies related to performance and stability. Your question lists only a very small subset of the ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
8 votes

Question about computer software with 37 up-votes closed after six years?

Did a quick review of the question. Seems I closed an earlier version of it, but seems fine. I did have to prune a lot of the older answers, which weren't all that good.
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
7 votes

How to unmark a question marked as duplicate?

If you believe a question is incorrectly marked as a duplicate, you can vote to reopen it (since you're a >3K user) using the "reopen" link below it. Five reopen votes will undo the closure. Casting ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.7k
7 votes

Why am I getting a question ban?

I have only asked 2 or 3 questions You have asked 10 questions. Is my status on other SE sites causing me to have a premature question ban here? No. Your status on other SE sites makes no ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 160k
7 votes

Is the question about floating panel less unclear now?

why is that question (which is now clearer) still bad? While you have improved the question, the underlying question still cannot be answered by the community. You basically want to know the reason ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
7 votes

Reopen request 1803702

Your question has been reviewed for reopening several times already.
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 94.8k
6 votes

Reevaluate closure of question 515115 (meaning of cylinder light on computer) – not a typical "guessing game" question

Indeed, another Meta post from a different moderator suggests that certain types of identification questions, such as those involving connectors, should not be closed. Said moderator wrote a ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
5 votes

Editing of recently closed questions

Don't forget the Suggested Edit queue here. A minor edit might be made before the question was closed, and get approved afterward. If you see a question is closed, and it has a suggested edit, reject ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 653
5 votes

Why does the community have such vague rules that any administrator can adjust almost any question to fit them?

While Mokubai has very clearly answered your question here, there was an inherent flaw in your original question and the details, or lack of details, you provided… You need to provide a bare minimum ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.9k
5 votes

Internet Security on Super User

Well, internet security, in the context of your computer is quite often on topic. Lets talk about your question first - Its really not about computers. Its about people, and the mindsets behind ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
5 votes

Re-migrate or unlock question

The question has been unlocked so that the community can vote on whether it should be reopened. As it stands though the question could do with some cleanup to break up the Great Wall of Text and care ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 94.8k
5 votes

Reopen request for "Installing fltk on VirtualBox"

Well, the question does show a certain amount of lack of research, and the question as is is really poor quality. I wouldn't count it as a good question. I'm not a fan of spoon feeding either, and ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
5 votes

Why questions are closed and why asking new questions are banned?

its good to organise and maintain the forum and make it look good and have sensful question or reserarch or knowledge sharing. Super User isn’t a discussion forum. Discussions are specifically ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
4 votes

Request to re-open 1275693

I assume you are referring to Response time always late when gaming. You have edited the question so it has gone into the reopen queue where users with the appropriate privilege can vote to reopen if ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 160k
4 votes

A hidden passive-aggressive attitude toward questions

There is no question to your question and it is very open-ended and implies a false correlation between one thing and another. “Some moderations to close a question do not make sense here. The reason ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.9k
3 votes

How is my question about the Windows Registry off-topic?

"Add details and clarify the problem being solved. This will help others answer the question. You can edit the question." Is the close banner on the question. Its incredibly broad and talks ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
3 votes

Re-migrate or unlock question

When a question is migrated and then closed or deleted on the target site, the migration is considered "rejected." That causes the target site's copy to be locked and the source site's copy to be ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.7k
3 votes

How can I request a question be reopened if I have less than 3k reputation?

In general, if there's something special you want done that you don't have permission to do through the queues, you can flag the question and explain to a diamond moderator your reasoning for the flag ...
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
3 votes

Question fixed but too late to be reopened in queue

You flag it. Or you post on meta Reopened with 3 reopen votes ;p
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
3 votes

Question about computer software with 37 up-votes closed after six years?

The post was closed for being a software recommendation. At the time the question was asked, we hadn't settled on that rule. Nobody can fault you for violating a rule that didn't exist. But we ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.7k
3 votes

Is a request for specific information about software error messages really off topic?

I described my problem (a huge log file), my efforts to resolve it (numerous web searches and reading articles that looked relevant), and my requested solution (a comprehensive list). I personally ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
3 votes

Why my Questions closed is not opened after 2 times re-editing..why not admins re-edit themself?

You mention writing "small questions" and being told they need more details, and then you've had multiple questions closed for asking too many questions, or being too "big", I ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 44.8k
3 votes

I genuinely don't understand why this question was deleted when I asked for it to be re-opened?

Re the Deletion, because @gparyani has sent PMs to those of us who voted to close asking for explanations: For the reasons detailed in comments and others this question should be deleted, but ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 44.8k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible