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21 votes

Negative up-vote/down-vote ratio: is it effective mentoring, or too harsh?

Downvotes on their own are terrible mentoring. They lack context on their own for a new user, and much like puppies, some other input is needed. While comments are transient, in many cases pairing ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 132k
7 votes

Negative up-vote/down-vote ratio: is it effective mentoring, or too harsh?

Executive summary: commenting to explain downvotes is a very good thing to do. Doing that consistently is far more important than shooting for any up/downvote ratio. Fortunately, we also have plenty ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.7k
6 votes

Negative up-vote/down-vote ratio: is it effective mentoring, or too harsh?

This is a personal reflection. I recognize that a substantial part of SU's strength is that we are not all the same. But this is what I think when I see down votes in certain contexts: My first beef ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 44.8k
5 votes

Negative up-vote/down-vote ratio: is it effective mentoring, or too harsh?

Before drawing any conclusions, I thought it was best to compile some data pertaining to Super User voting trends. I decided that one good method would be to examine the tendencies of our most ...
Run5k's user avatar
  • 16.2k
2 votes

Are upvotes retroactive?

No, these votes are not retroactive. If you want your vote to count, you'll have to vote again on the same post once you have privileges. Until then, your attempted vote is simply recorded as "...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 1,851
2 votes

How did I exceed the reputation cap today from only upvotes?

Apparently you downvoted another answer, or had something else happened that made you lose 1 reputation. This "gap" is filled by a later upvote on your answer.
iBug's user avatar
  • 11.4k
1 vote

retaliatory down votes

At various times, my questions have received answers not properly addressing the original question, but instead targeted at a different question. Often, the user posting the answer will decline ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k

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