5 votes

A removed user and their correlated Q&A Votes

Yes, when a user is removed without their votes being retained, the votes are nullified, hence your rep change. (If the votes were to be kept, the Community user would take ownership of them.) ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41k
3 votes

Is SuperUser Not the Right Place for Visio Questions?

Visio questions are on topic here. Microsoft Visio is desktop software and not a programming tool, so it fits here (as opposed to Stack Overflow or Web Apps). Excerpted from the help center, emphasis ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41k
3 votes

How should I choose an accepted answer if several are good?

I would have accepted the answer you did. I really like that it quoted the different questions; that made it much easier to read. Speaking of different questions, asking so many different things in ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41k

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