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Raystafarian's user avatar
Raystafarian's user avatar
Raystafarian's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
18 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2015

11 votes

Should there be a limit to the % change to an original post by anonymous edits?

9 votes

Set a rep threshold for editing closed questions?

8 votes

User tries to do something forbidden by license. Is explaining why it's illegal an answer?

5 votes

Question of the Month... #1 [April '16]

5 votes

general lack of upvotes and confirmation of answers

4 votes

Are detailed Excel VBA questions best posed here or on Stack Overflow?

4 votes

What should I do with suggested edits to the wiki of bad tags?

3 votes

Rat's nest of tags

3 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

3 votes

What is the order of candidates in 2014 moderator election?

3 votes

Clean up document formatting tags

2 votes

Can we [design] a better tag?

2 votes

Do the questions at Ask Microsoft belong here?

2 votes

Tag Synonym Request: TSV → CSV

2 votes

Can tag wiki edit review be adjusted to make plagiarism easier to catch?

2 votes

Show more details about a Moderator candidate during elections

2 votes

Code block text coloring not working?

1 vote

Get rid of the [hack] tag

1 vote

Should we keep the [front-panel] tag?

1 vote

Where to post my Q which is on hold in this site?

1 vote

How is the review count in the 'header' calculated

1 vote

Are Windows 10 Preview questions on-topic?

1 vote

Synonym-ize [sum] into [worksheet-function]

1 vote

Top Questions: superuser Alltime

1 vote

It's time to talk about [date] and [date-time]

0 votes

What to do with spam-like inducing questions?

-1 votes

Does nobody answer questions on this site?