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allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
58 votes

Is superuser unfriendly to beginners? & How to help beginners understand

54 votes

Goodbye Mod team, I'm a mere mortal again

39 votes

Can we be nicer to folks whose English isn't that great?

36 votes

Revisit the Hackintosh policy

31 votes

Winterbash 2014 - Do we participate?

27 votes

Are link-only answers fine if they link to Super User questions?

26 votes

Do questions about file format internals belong here?

26 votes

Help me understand a comment and downvote that a user made on my answer

25 votes

Is Tumbleweed badge an achievement or otherwise?

24 votes

Flagging a user

21 votes

Where do EC2 and AWS questions truly belong?

20 votes

How to choose a community?

20 votes

Should answers encouraging to "restart" be flagged?

20 votes

Should I accept an answer for someone else's bounty?

19 votes

Should users suggest technical edits?

18 votes

Huge knowledge gap, Should these be closed as they encourage long comment chains?

17 votes

There's no point in running

16 votes

My questions were closed as duplicates. How come?

15 votes

How is my edit not considered an improvement?

15 votes

OP edited question substantially after answer(s) were posted

14 votes

What to do about the Windows Insider Program?

13 votes

Should we be having periodic, full throttle cleanups?

12 votes

When reviewing, can we remove these dreadful "Congratulations, this was only a test" questions

12 votes

Should somewhat trivial edits be rejected if there are a lot of them coming from the same user?

12 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

12 votes

Remove upvoting on comments under a question, only allow downvoting

12 votes

I think someone else's answer to my question was removed unfairly/incorrectly?; what can I do?

11 votes

Why try to answer if you're unfamiliar with the question?

11 votes

Answers that are too long, drawn out and contain too much excess theory

11 votes

When should a question that otherwise belongs on another site be simply closed and not migrated?

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