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Mokubai's user avatar
Mokubai's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • United Kingdom
6 votes

The edit queue is full at the moment - enlarge number of items?

6 votes

Why no tag for AnyDesk, and can it be created?

6 votes

Is is OK to ask about unconventional use of GitHub for the purposes of providing tutorials for system administration

6 votes

Is it time to update this close reason?

6 votes

Is rep increased if a downvoted answer is deleted?

6 votes

Should I accept an answer when it doesn't answer the original question but explains how the question is invalid?

6 votes

Why asking about computer software is closed as off-topic?

5 votes

InCopy tag creation request

5 votes

Why is an answer deleted without an explanation

5 votes

Is Zoom video conferencing tool on-topic for superuser?

5 votes

Is for asking questions about Python?

5 votes

Unanswered DevOps questions

5 votes

Migrating high-quality, off-topic questions to another site in the Stack Exchange network

5 votes

How is this question off-topic?

5 votes

Migration - Replace ServerFault with SoftwareRecs?

5 votes

Tag creation request

5 votes

Why was that question was declared off-topic?

5 votes

Unsynonomize [synaptic] and [synaptics]

5 votes

Is a question about chroma subsampling in a TV on topic?

5 votes

The "set a bounty" dialog kept disappearing

5 votes

Why are comments so limited?

5 votes

Why is a question about whether or not one needs anti-virus opinion based?

5 votes

Informative comments, should they deleted?

5 votes

OP edits the question himself instead of accepting a suggested edit.

5 votes

How is this question classed as 'an answer'?

5 votes

When is a short answer too short?

5 votes

Split the [dolphin] tag

5 votes

should [mathematica] usage/programming questions be on-topic on SU?

5 votes

How do I get my previous request of information off of "on hold"?

5 votes

Have I been penalized for an answer 1 moderator didn't like?

3 4
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