Some answers at Math Overflow as (former) user122276:
MSE: What is a "moduli space" in math/physics?
What is the definition of moduli space, in math vs in physics?
Some answers to "bountied" questions:
Motivating (iso)morphism of varieties
Why do we use divisors in algebraic geometry?
Is there a theory that describes eigenspaces of matrix functions near degeneracies?
Answers to algebraic geometry questions:
Representations of an algebraic group $G$ versus representations of the group $G(k)$
Distributions of a group scheme as differential operators.
Abel map on the symmetric product: why it is locally boundedness and holomorphicitiy
Grassmannian $\hbox{Gr}(2,\mathbb{C}^5)$ is homeomorphic to $\hbox{Gr}(3,\mathbb{C}^5)$
Genus Degree Formula for Curves over Arbitrary Fields and a Reference Request
AutobiographerJul 12
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