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Daniel Beck's user avatar
Daniel Beck
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
4 votes

Re-tag option for Community Wiki questions is missing

4 votes

What is the proper way to change your own answer completely?

4 votes

Can I award a bounty on an already-accepted answer?

4 votes

I'd like to get the question on mechanical keyboards opened

4 votes

Convention for click on a button, then another button, etc

4 votes

Why was my answer to my own question deleted?

4 votes

Actually changing things through Meta

4 votes

Change FAQ for explanation questions

4 votes

Are we going for a public [sharing] tag or for specific [X-sharing] tags?

4 votes

Proposed change to the Services tag wiki

3 votes

Proposal: Sponsoring some Community FAQs and Canonical Answers

3 votes

Similar Tor-related question for Linux and Mac OS X

3 votes

Fixing the [run] tag

3 votes

Why do we have both [retag-request] and [tag-synonym-request] on meta?

3 votes

PDF tag wiki uneditable

3 votes

Rename [tag:ds-store] to [tag:.ds-store]

3 votes

Having fun the the post editor

3 votes

What could we do with the [error] tag?

3 votes

How can I become "Fanatic" and earn gold medal on cheating?

3 votes

File Purpose and Usage Questions

3 votes

Suspected spam on remote support software question

3 votes

How do moderator elections work?

3 votes

Discrepancy in reputation viewed in Summary and Reputation tabs

3 votes

OpenID Provider Down, Now What?

3 votes

What does the number represent?

3 votes

Remove MSU Beta badge

3 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2012

3 votes

Closing Votes count bug

3 votes

Cleanup of tags with similar names

2 votes

Merge [Crashplan] and [crashplan-central]