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gravidThoughts's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
@Daniel Beck In my opinion the difference between major versions of an operating system merit a separate question. I can't provide evidence because MS does not make the necessary information publicly available.
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
In my opinion, if an original poster has clear evidence that the question is not a duplicate, none of the mechanisms you describe solve the problem of an incorrectly marked duplicate as well as a formalized process for an OP to dispute.
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
Also, if i flag to reopen, how do I provide evidence that the question is not duplicate?
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
I apologize for the original attitude, and have edited the post. Please Sathya, explain to me why it is a duplicate.
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
Grammar lesson noted. I don't have 3k rep, but I am the original poster of the question. Disputing the designation of duplicate is a function of reputation? Maybe if someone besides the original poster wanted to intitiate a dispute. I don't think the question could be any clearer, it states windows 8.1 and even tags it that way. How do I flag to reopen?
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
Really Oliver? Win 8.1 and 7 are the same system?
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
Furthermore, is it clear to the OP that they should handle this through meta, as opposed to a prominent link for disputing that it is a duplicate? How many users actually know that meta exists?
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
So why do we not use meta for edits?
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
To be clear, posting a question to meta is not a formalized process. You should be able to click on a link as the OP that allows you to provide evidence that the question is not a duplicate. This evidence should be reviewed through a formal process like many other stack x features...
Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation
it is not formalized, you post a question to meta asking why your question was marked duplicate. If I edit a question what happens?