Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
Oliver Salzburg
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
12 votes

Should I flag questions as off-topic if they are already upvoted and answered?

11 votes

Why are cross-posted questions deleted?

11 votes

Difficulty trying to answer old unanswered questions

11 votes

What does OP stand for?

10 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2013

10 votes

Comments to a question that should be answers

10 votes

Close question for no reseach effort

9 votes

Markdown or HTML

9 votes

The msi tag is ambiguous

9 votes

Should a very old question asking for software recomendations be flagged?

9 votes

I'm human, even when I'm incognito!

9 votes

Can a question limit be displayed *before* allowing a user to attempt asking a question?

9 votes

Should we add information from comments to questions if it invalidates existing answers?

8 votes

If a user didn't want to hear opinions, but the answers were primarily opinion-based, would the question be closed?

8 votes

Why was question about erasing SSD closed?

8 votes

Request for a button to copy share link to clipboard

8 votes

How can a question about personal computer hardware be closed as "off-topic" without explanation?

8 votes

Why are "why was ... implemented this way" questions closed as opinion based?

8 votes

Need insight on down-voted question

8 votes

Replace the `Surface` tag?

7 votes

I got banned for one dumb question?

7 votes

Does SuperUser have a spam problem

7 votes

What to do when an anonymous user inserts valuable information that should be a comment

7 votes

Is superuser.com or another StackExchange site an appropriate way to ask information about websites?

7 votes

What happens if a user does not mark the question as solved?

7 votes

Please migrate Google Analytics questions to Webmasters

7 votes

Should I add "Possible duplicate" text to a question which is not closed as duplicate (yet)?

7 votes

Why is question 480733 off topic?

7 votes

Is it okay to ask a question about what to look for in a piece of hardware when shopping?

7 votes

What do I do if someone posts an answer I had as a comment?

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