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music2myear's user avatar
music2myear's user avatar
music2myear's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Why was my answer deleted

0 votes

My question "Making title attribute of HTML elements display as text instead of as tooltips" was removed as off-topic; where can I ask it?

3 votes

Multiple questions on erasing data. Are they duplicates?

3 votes

Is this question from Unix&Linux (closed there) suitable for SuperUser community?

4 votes

Let's deal with the [if] tag, else it'll become a problem

1 vote

User vandalized own question - roll back?

4 votes

Edit that updates obsolete command-line parameters gets rejected?

2 votes

Clarification of question's acceptability in advance

5 votes

I messed up. What can I do? => This is an audit test

3 votes

I genuinely don't understand why this question was deleted when I asked for it to be re-opened?

5 votes

Why were my flags on a meta answer post and comments containing expletives directed at another user declined?

13 votes

What's the difference between [windows-defender] and [microsoft-defender]?

7 votes

Why was my question (1801790) closed?

4 votes

Why my Questions closed is not opened after 2 times re-editing..why not admins re-edit themself?

2 votes

Asking for 2nd opinion on moderator-closed question

0 votes

Should the accepted answers be unpinned on superuser?

2 votes

My question incorrectly marked as duplicate

9 votes

I think SU has a newbie-biting problem

1 vote

Why was I accused of spreading ransomware (and had my question deleted) for asking about stopping a McAfee service?

7 votes

Would this be an appropriate space to ask about the use limits of a software license?

6 votes

How to deal with out of date questions?

7 votes

Why was my question put on hold as opinion-based when it wasn't?

3 votes

How can I undelete this to answers

5 votes

Closure of questions regarding pre-release/beta software

0 votes

When is cost an on-topic question?

2 votes

Why am I getting a question ban?

3 votes

Log-Out-Link is nowhere to be found

5 votes

What's the difference between [answers] and [answering-questions]?

1 vote

Is the close vote on my question regarding hugo justified?

11 votes

Link-only answer - but already self-explanatory