If my posts have been helpful to you remember you can up-vote or accept them. Or if my posts are incorrect or inaccurate please tell me by leaving a comment, and I will try to fix them as soon as possible. If you down-vote I would appreciate it if you please explain why, so that I may try and fix it. I appreciate any suggestions or improvements you might have.
A man who is certain he is right is almost sure to be wrong. - Michael Faraday
I am constantly learning new things and will continue to do so, though this great community. To all the members, askers, answerers, editors, reviewers and moderators, both old and new, who's hard work and dedication created, and continue to expand and maintain, this wonderful place. A big thank you
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I am also on Discord DM me if you need a way to get hold of me. My username: Xantium#6468
SupporterApr 23, 2018
AutobiographerApr 23, 2018
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