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Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
36 votes

Do not take away earned privileges

24 votes

Can we please standardize the Microsoft tags?

16 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 1H 2011

15 votes

To hide links or not to hide links: that is the question

14 votes

Shouldn't cross posting be allowed?

14 votes

What steps can I take to check and improve lower quality questions?

12 votes

CSS for the new <kbd> style

11 votes

Can't we prevent some questions from being tweeted (at least until they're reviewed)?

11 votes

Should a religious text used as an example in a question be removed?

11 votes

In defense of obscure, niche hardware recommendation questions

10 votes

The infamous "My PC is freezing" question...

10 votes

Why do questions get closed?

9 votes

System tag looks suspiciously like a meta tag

9 votes

See possible duplicates in question

9 votes

Preferred location for "shell scripting" questions

8 votes

Retag windows-7-x64 to windows-7 and 64-bit?

8 votes

How to link to URLs contaning strange unicode chars

8 votes

Can we please standardize the Microsoft tags?

8 votes

How is a question defined as “Too Localised”?

8 votes

Moderator abuse

8 votes

Why is it not allowed to recomend a specific product?

7 votes

Rep-mining / Using the site as a blog

7 votes

Should we do something about the [osx] / [mac] distinction?

7 votes

What is the "dot" character on super user logo?

7 votes

Should we edit out spam from spam posts?

6 votes

My software rec question got closed as a duplicate, while it is not

6 votes

Is a question about computer output history really off topic or not constructive?

6 votes

Is it worthwhile to comment/answer old questions bumped by 'Community'?

6 votes

I'd like to ask a question to which there is no right answer

6 votes

Is Super User dying?

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