A moderator closed my questionmy question for being subjective, when I think is was not. About the differences between doc and HTML.
Does he get reputation points for closing questions?
I find it extremely annoying that the sites are so heavily moderated, and it is the biggest downfall of SO and SU.
Sorry, this bit was not about Random. and the question was iphone related but then in the comments II asked about whether it was suitable to discuss the ipad on SU, because if it was then the iphone would also be suitable. For example I can't ask a question about the ipad on SU, as when I did it got closed, so I asked why and he said the device did not run a full OS so it couldn't be asked. But when I then asked what defines a full OS, as you can almost do anything on an iPad that you can do on a laptop, he conveniently didn't reply.
Some personal messaging system would be great.