TheYour generosity is appreciated, but I must inform you that the ability to offer actual money as a bounty is not currently implemented. Judging by the feature request on Meta Stack Exchange (and a duplicate thereof and a similar one), it will likely not be added. The reasoning given for that decision was that introducing real cash as stakesreward would tremendously exacerbate the (usually) friendly and constructive competition we currently have into unhealthy money seeking. Additionally, it would likely demotivate the many answering users who give of their knowledge freely, thereby taking expert attention away from the question authors who do not have real money to spend.
If you would like to promote your question further using the bounty system, Ithe best way would encourage yoube to writeearn the necessary reputation by contributing answers to other questions. Once you reachget over 200 reputation, you'll be able to place a bounty on that question again. In the meantime, if you run across any new relevant information or maketry any new attemptsapproaches, make sure to edit itthat into your post; it might help a potential answer writer. Editing has the added bonus of bumping the question to the front page. While tiny edits intended only to bump are frowned upon, the improvement of a question is always welcome.