Thank you for trying to improve your question. We want to help you with that.
As currently written, your question does not include enough information for anyone to provide a definitive answer. Therefore the appropriate way to improve your answer is to provide enough information.
You were doing that by editing your question in response to comments. However you stopped. For example, the last comment on your question is one I posted providing specific steps for you to take, but you did not edit your post with any of the requested information:
Until you can isolate your problem with enough detail, it will not be answerable.
As a side noteAdditional, I invite you to rethink your assumptionassertion that "Facebook is terminating your Internet connection." That's highly unlikely. You may need to step back a bit fromConsider the implications for your problem andif you are correct:
- Facebook is terminating your connection.
- You don't control Facebook.
- Therefore you can't control what's terminating your connection.
Clearly this assumption is unhelpful as it makes pursuing a solution pointless.
It would be better to focus on describing the symptoms you are experiencing and ask for help identifying the root cause. Including your proposed cause in your question tends to draw attention away from other possible causes, and in this cases, much more likely causesresults of yourthe steps you've taken to try to solve the problem.
You can read more about this "XY Problem" affect here on Metayour own.SE Let those posting answers use that information to follow the clues in order to make their determination about the cause and appropriate solution.